Sunday, September 26, 2010

Clean Up Day

Today was a long overdue General Clean Up Day in Amici Office.  The last one was 11 months before, which as cleaning goes is ages ago.  One can imagine what sort of junk had piled over the year, not to mention the little critters who enjoyed a relatively peaceful colony as pests in the shadows. 

We had a much more concerted effort in the clean up process today.  Whereas before when there were but few cooperative persons who participated in each Clean Up Day, this whole afternoon was a whole team effort among various departments.  That was necessary after all.  It was not about tidying up our microscopic world which is our own tables, sometimes hiding under the rug the things we didn't know what to do with.  Our office wasn't big to begin with, so any mess around was a mess shared with everyone.  From now on, we'd prefer to have a great clean office we can enjoy each day. 

To celebrate our humble victory, we capped the day with two boxes of pizzas.  Of course, this time, we made sure to tidy up after eating.

There will be more Clean Up days to come.  But we don't have to wait for that long.  Instead, we hope to treat each day an opportunity to stay clean and maintain orderliness.  5S -- I still remember somewhat attending a seminar on that a couple of years ago.  Only four of us attended that seminar with DTI, and only I am left in the same office now.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to implement much of what we learned then.  But it's never too late for that.  A company wide training session on 5S will be most beneficial.  And to make it part of our company culture.

We thank Gay who scheduled and directed the event, as well as Lisa and Michelle who procured necessary supplies beforehand.  We thank everyone who participated in making our little office just a little bit more habitable.